Physical Research Laboratory

Video Transcoding and Streaming PRL

Video Transcoding and Streaming PRL

About PRL

Known as the cradle of Space Sciences in India, the Physical Research Laboratory ( PRL ) was founded in 1947 by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. As a unit of Department of Space, Government of India, PRL carries out fundamental research in selected areas of Physics, Space & Atmospheric Sciences, Astronomy, Astrophysics & Solar Physics, and Planetary & Geo-Sciences.


Detecting user’s bandwidth and available bandwidth in real time and adjusting the quality of a video to stream accordingly. HD High Definition Format i.e. 720P SD Format 460P or 360P or 240P Transcoding Converting a video file from one format to another, to make videos viewable across different platforms and devices.

CDN Content Delivery Network Cloud Platform The cloud platform service provided like Amazon Web Services.

Almost unlimited storage space to host all public technology video without missing a single.

Proposed Solutions

Development of Cloud Native application using AWS Cloud Computing

Serverless application for trigger based invoking response for upload and conversion of video in desired format

Designing, Development & Installation of Video upload software

On upload of video in S3 bucket, Lambda function triggers AWS transcode service and convert videos as per required format with transferring it to Output S3 bucket, results in generation of URL using Cloudfront service.

Utilization of URL in PRL’s web portal.

Serving of videos with Adaptive Bit Rate using AWS Cloudfront service.

Reference Architecture


Successfully implemented Request of Proposal (RFP). Availability of technical research videos to the research scientist. Conversion of videos using AWS Transcoding services and serving videos with Adaptive Bit Rate.

Can serve many technical videos without any restriction of space, as the videos are stored in AWS S3 object storage.

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With successful implementation of serveless architecture on AWS cloud.

Serverless architecture no worries about CPU/Memory/ Disk. Just host videos and deliver.