Ansible for Everyone – Traning and Certification

Ansible for Everyone

Ansible Getting started

Ansible for Everyone

What Is Ansible?

Ansible is an open source IT Configuration Management, Deployment & Orchestration tool. It aims to provide large productivity gains to a wide variety of automation challenges. This tool is very simple to use yet powerful enough to automate complex multi-tier IT application environments.

Why Do We Need Ansible?

No one likes repetitive tasks. With Ansible, IT admins can begin automating away the drudgery from their daily tasks. Automation frees admins up to focus on efforts that help deliver more value to the business by speeding time to application delivery, and building on a culture of success. Ultimately, Ansible gives teams the one thing they can never get enough of: time. Allowing smart people to focus on smart things.

Ansible is a simple automation language that can perfectly describe an IT application infrastructure. It’s easy-to-learn, self-documenting, and doesn’t require a grad-level computer science degree to read. Automation shouldn’t be more complex than the tasks it’s replacing.

Benefits Of Using Ansible


Ansible uses a simple syntax written in YAML called playbooks. YAML is a human-readable data serialization language. So, no special coding skills are required and even people in your IT organization, who do not know what is Ansible can likely read a playbook and understand what is happening. Ansible always executes tasks in order. It is simple to install too . Altogether the simplicity ensures that you can get started quickly.


Finally, Ansible is completely agentless. There are no agents/software or additional firewall ports that you need to install on the  client systems or hosts which you want to automate. You do not have to separately set up a management infrastructure which includes managing your entire systems, network and storage. Ansible further reduces the effort required for your team to start automating right away.

Powerful & Flexible:

Ansible has powerful features that can enable you to model even the most complex IT workflows. In this aspect, Ansible’s batteries included approach (This philosophy means that something is self-sufficient, comes out-of-the-box ready to use, with everything that is needed) can manage the infrastructure, networks, operating systems and services that you are already using, as Ansible provides you with hundreds of modules to manage them. Together Ansible’s capabilities allow you to orchestrate the entire application environment regardless of where it is deployed.


No extra software on your servers means more resources for your applications. Also, since Ansible modules work via JSON, Ansible is extensible with modules written in a programming language you already know. Ansible introduces modules as basic building blocks for your software. So, you can even customize it as per your needs. For e.g. If you have an existing message sending module which sends messages in plain-text, and you want to send images too, you can add image sending features on top of it.

Ansible’s Features and Capabilities

Ansible is the Preferred in Devops Industries

Market Use Case Of Ansible

Red Hat’s Ansible enjoys the top slot in the adoption of DevOps tools. Among all respondents, Ansible has 41 percent adoption, followed by Chef and Puppet at 37 percent adoption. Interestingly, Terraform shows the most substantial growth since last year, up by 55 percent from 20 to 31 percent adoption.

Ansible Marketshare